Take a read online
By Bronwyn Bound, Centre Manager, Sunnynook Community Centre.
By Bronwyn Bound, Centre Manager, Sunnynook Community Centre.
In early March I was invited to attend the North Shore Stickered Group session in Albany. I was very interested to hear a presentation from the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service.
They offer a wonderful service that I know a lot of people could make use of after the flooding. Need independent help resolving your natural disaster insurance claim? Dealing with residential insurance claims after a natural disaster can be complex and confusing. The New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) supports homeowners with residential insurance claims after natural disasters to avoid disputes and resolve issues. Services provided through NZCRS cover: advice, case management, legal advice, engineering services, wellbeing support, and mediation. Contact them for free, independent advice: PH: 0508 624 327 nzcrs.govt.nz
Come walking with us: Join us on Wednesday mornings for a weekly walk (approx.one hour). Enjoy the company of others and a cup of tea or coffee afterwards. Meet at 9am for a 9.15am departure in the foyer of the Sunnynook Community Centre.
Sunnynook Community Centre book library: Located next to our food pantry. Help yourself to a book or two. Book donations welcome.
Don’t forget you can hire the Kennedy Park Observation Post, Beach Road, Castor Bay for children’s birthday parties, baby showers, family lunches etc.