Kia ora everyone!
We have finally reached the halfway point in the year, a milestone celebrated not only among exam-weary high school students but also throughout the whole community. The cold chill of winter has finally set in, driving many of us indoors to find shelter in the local cafés and community areas offered in the Takapuna-Devonport region. Therefore, Younite has found July the perfect month to hold our annual youth art exhibition.
The Rangatahi Art Exhibition was held from 12-15 July, displaying the lovely pieces of art created by the youth of the area at Lakehouse Arts. It was a fantastic turnout, with some incredible artworks not only being exhibited but also sold to the many buyers who were in attendance.
As the local youth board, Younite has a strong focus on supporting the arts promoted by our young people. This is why we are so keen to continue holding the Rangatahi Art Exhibition every year, so that the many teens of the area can express themselves and their creativity. We believe that it is important to bring attention to the talents our teens possess, and how it is possible to pursue your dreams in your local area. Youth often find it difficult to afford the resources necessary to express themselves, so we at Younite aim to help provide a platform in any way possible. Young people are the future of tomorrow, and we want them to know that they can communicate their feelings and make a positive difference in our society by simply being themselves.
We are also incredibly fortunate to have wonderful community areas – like the Devonport Community House – where our youth can spend time with one another. The Youth Centre opened just a few weeks ago, garnering raving reviews from the public. It will be open every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, from 4–7pm, with free food and games for our teenagers in Devonport. Additionally, there are also plenty of art supplies and study nooks, as well as video games to cater for everyone’s tastes and preferences! Please make sure to come along and enjoy all that is offered, share the word, and meet up with your friends!
If you would like to make any suggestions or have any queries, please feel free to contact us at or have a look at our Instagram page: younitedt