• Jonno Leonard

Are electric scooters taking over?

Electric scooters are everywhere these days, and their popularity is booming. With soaring living and travel costs, horrendous traffic and the shift to more compact living, space, time and money are at a premium. Electric scooters have helped many to save money and have more fun! The Electric Scooter Shop has been at the forefront of New Zealand scootering for over six years. Channel Mag's Liz Cannon chats with owner and chief scooter enthusiast Jonno Leonard to find out more.

Channel Mag: What do people use them for?
Jonno Leonard: Many just value the convenience of saving their legs for short trips around the local area. Then there are the 'getting to work' crew, some of whom will use the scooter for part of the journey, such as the ride to the bus station or the ferry, and fold it to take with them on public transport. Others will make the whole journey by scooter, from a couple of kms to 20kms+. 

Sounds good. What are the options?
A lightweight commuter scooter will be around 15kg, easy to fold, get up to around 25-30kmh, and take you around 20km at a cost of $1,000 - $1,500. The light-middleweights give greater power and versatility – plan on $1,800 - $2,500. $3,000 upwards buying something to get your pulse racing, or tackle some trails.

Do you sell moped-type scooters?
Yes, electric moped scooters are a recent addition to the growing product offering at Electric Scooter Shop. All you need is a learner license and you are away. (There are no licensing requirements for stand-up style e-scooters)

How about spares and repairs?
As the only e-scooter business in the country with seven-days sales staff and workshop facilities, you are in very safe hands. We can handle all jobs from fixing a flat to a full overhaul, with specialist diagnostic equipment to ensure your scooter receives professional care.

Should I start with a 'cheapie' off TradeMe? 
Typically, unbranded 'cheapie' scooters, like all generic products, will perform poorly, even dangerously, and are hard/impossible to repair when they inevitably break down. A quality scooter will give you years of use, and quickly pay for itself in the savings on using a car. 

How do I choose the right scooter for me?
Nothing beats having a personal consultation with someone who knows the products and the market. Approach the friendly team - our consultants will have an open and friendly chat with you to build up a picture of your intended use, and work out what will suit you, before inviting you to test ride for yourself. It's very hard not to leave with something you love. 

OK, I'm keen. Do I get a deal as a local?
Of course! Just reference this article when you come to see us, and Electric Scooter Shop will include a free first service, normally $90.

Jonno Leonard
Electric Scooter Shop 
74 Barry's Point Road, Takapuna
09 445 6969


Issue 148 December-January 2023