Finance & Accounting

Time for a money health check-up?

We’ve got the financial advisors for you!

When we can, we Kiwis love putting cash in the bank. Had a chunky payday from that overtime you did last month?...

issue 153 june 2024

Improving process efficiency through Xero add-ons

Many accounting software packages have evolved over time and embraced the online world to streamline the accounting...

issue 152 may 2024

Navigating real estate in 2024

As we embark on 2024, the real estate market is influenced by a dynamic play of various factors. Home sellers,...

issue 149 february 2024

What to look for in a ‘new build’

The changes in mortgage deductibility for rental properties had led to a jump in demand for ‘new build’...

issue 148 december-january 2023