• Lavinia and Josh.

All for Art and Art for All

Here at YES we believe that accessibility should not stop at doors, ramps and rails; that true accessibility means to be included, accepted and have the tools to participate. Art, if you are creating it, appreciating it, doing it, seeing it or hearing it, it has the power to move provoke and empower people. with no lack of talent with the young people here at YES We sat down with our in house graphic designer Josh and two members of our Youth Engagement Group: a budding new artist Tamara and a Pasfika dance tutor Lavinia and asked them a few quick questions about art and what it means to them.

What does art mean to you?
 Another language for people who think differently to embrace.
Josh: Expressing myself without getting off my chair or talking to anyone.
Lavina: It’s everything, something of yourself that you can share and bring people together.

How important is it?
When I was in school, people would call me dumb; they told me to take art instead, I’m happy I did. It expresses my challenges.
Josh: It’s the life blood of humanity.
Lavina: it brings people, communities, cultures, people of all ages and abilities together.

As an artist how do you ensure your art can be accessible to all?
By being myself. How differently I think shows people who also think differently that it's ok to be and think differently.
Josh: I always make sure that my art is accessible; it's art and art is for everyone.
Lavina: We are the only multi ability Pasfika cultural performance group in New Zealand; every dance move is choreographed to suit any ability. 

If you could describe your art in three words?
Different, colourful and edgy.
Josh: Comic, heroic and inspiring.
Lavina: Diverse, moving and Pasfika.

Art really is for all - to be entertained, inspired, provoked and included


By: , YES Disability Resource Centre News: with Sonia Thursby (CEO)

Issue 98 May 2019