• Teresa Burns, Dr of Audiology.

Hearing aids in the drawer?

Do you know someone who spent thousands on hearing aids but doesn’t wear them? What a huge waste of money and opportunity. Hearing aids are like little computers with amazing levels of technology and options. But they certainly won’t help if they aren’t in your ears!

Hearing aids should be comfortable and easy to use – but they do take some getting used to. It can often take a few weeks for your brain to acclimatise to hearing the wide world of sound again, and wearers also need to learn how to put them in properly, clean and manage them. This is why hearing aids are often bundled with follow up appointments and after-care services so fit and management can be checked, and settings adjusted as needed.

Even after a few years hearing aids can be re-programmed easily if they are too loud or if hearing levels have changed. Most hearing aids carry previous hearing test information in their settings so all it takes is a booking to upload this info and adjust as needed. A hearing check and a quick clean and adjustment can make a huge difference. There is no problem transferring ACC, veterans or other funding to a new provider – previous records and funding info are available if needed.

If you know someone who has hearing aids but doesn’t wear them, or if you are looking to upgrade your hearing aids, book in to see Teresa Burns, Doctor of Audiology.

Teresa Burns Hearing Ltd
Location: Inside the Health - I Care Medical Centre
215 Wairau Road, Glenfield, North Shore
09 475 9849