• Melanie Barr

Parallels of exam and work stress

By Melanie Barr, Community Director, Shore Junction. ​

This time next year, young people from the North Shore will be spending their time at Shore Junction studying for the upcoming exam season. With workshops on how to prepare for exams, study techniques and managing exam anxiety, Shore Junction will be a hive of activity. 

Being nervous before a big presentation can help you perform at your best. However, what happens when you find yourself so worried that you blank out the answers to even the easiest questions? Similar to work stress, exam anxiety can affect even the most prepared students; the more you stress, the less work you do, the more you focus about stressing the greater the feeling of panic. 

With the pressure to succeed so predominant at such a young age, young people are experiencing symptoms of stress at a much younger age. They paid attention in class, took detailed notes, read every chapter, yet anxiety can cause sleeplessness, headaches, and anxiety. These symptoms are becoming more common among our young people, but they haven’t yet been given the tools to cope or manage. 

Here are some tips and tricks that anyone can use to minimise stress and anxiety, no matter your environment or stage of career... 

Take a walk; research has proven that even a small amount of exercise can boost your memory and brainpower.

Stop multitasking; speed and accuracy can suffer when you split your focus, stop multitasking - start chunking! – I will leave that one to you to Google.

Sleeeep; Resist the urge to study or finish those emails into the late hours. Anyone who has tried to concentrate with half a night’s sleep can testify to improved focus with a good night’s sleep.

Get organised; planning ahead to stay organised can greatly decrease stress at work and with your study environment. 

The North Shore is a close community, and we have a responsibility to support those around us who may be showing signs of of stress, anxiety, worry or work fatigue. You never can be sure what their personal journey is and as a community we can support those around us to feel safe. 

"All the work we have done throughout the year leads to these final months where there is immense pressure to succeed, especially in year 12." ~ Henry, Year 12, Rosmini College

Shore Junction is a youth innovation hub being created in the heart of Takapuna. It is being designed as a space for young people to connect, belong, and grow. Shore Junction will offer youth-friendly facilities and integrated services that support innovation, learning, wellbeing and creativity, enabling young people to accelerate their potential and embark on their future pathways to success.


Issue 93 November 2018