• Mirla Edmundson, Chris Szekely, Geoff Chamberlain.
  • Ruth Jackson, Helen Woodhouse, Helen Gillespie.
  • Lorma Mitchell, Tony Woodhouse, Lyn Borich.
  • Jan McCarty, Trina Roycroft, Ali Chamberlain, Tui Bendall.
  • Helen Woodhouse, Mona Williams.
  • Mirla Edmundson, Kevin Johnston, Helen Woodhouse, Jenny Cole, George Wood, Geoff Chamberlain.
  • Jennifer McKenzie, George Wood, Wyn Hoadley, Gael Bosworth.
  • Yvonne Powley, Mike Cohen, Trish Deans.
  • Helen Woodhouse.
  • Helen Woodhouse's farewell speech.

Warm 'Farewell Festival' for Helen Woodhouse at Takapuna Library

A packed-out party of guests filled the mezzanine level at Takapuna Library on Wednesday May 29th to farewell long-time Library Manager Helen Woodhouse in what was described as a 'Farewell Festival'. A pianist played while guests from Auckland Libraries, Devonport-Takapuna Local Board, Friends of Takapuna Library and the community shared recollections of Helen and the changes she led across her three decades of service at the library. Several representatives of these organisations spoke and paid tribute to Helen's work. Helen followed up these glowing accolades by acknowledging the great team of people she's had around her and how it was always fun. The number of people there, and the tribute book full of messages, was a testament of how popular Helen was and how much she will be missed.

Issue 100 July 2019